Publicaciones 2023

RALO: Accessible Learning Objects Assessment Ecosystem based on metadata analysis, inter-rater agreement, and Borda voting schemes

Author(s) Paola Ingavélez-Guerra, Vladimir E Robles-Bykbaev, Angel Perez-Muñoz, José Hilera-González, Salvador Otón-Tortosa, Elena Campo-Montalvo

The increasing number of people are living with disability in the World and their access toformal education is considered a challenge for the development of the online education and educationalresources. This problem is considered one of the 17 sustainable development goals that are focused oninclusive and equitable quality education. Nevertheless, the existing proposals for mainstream accessibilityin virtual education are still complex to apply. However, the models, standards, and good practices tocontribute to the virtual educational process and the design of learning for all are identified. For these reasons,in this paper, we describe an accessibility evaluation proposal based on 4 interaction domains: user analysisand interaction, intelligent systems, knowledge databases, and evaluation. In the same way, we describea set of tools that constitute a Repository of Accessible Learning Objects (RALO) from the perspectiveof accessibility and adaptability metadata. In this line, the knowledge database follows the regulation andeducational models focused on the students with disabilities needs and preferences from the conception ofuniversal design. The validation of the proposal is based on the interaction study and analysis of regular anddisabled students and teachers who developed the Learning Objects (LO). To determine whether there wasconsensus among the teacher’s scores, we used Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance W

Date of Publication:  05 January 2023   Electronic ISSN:  2169-3536

DOI:    10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3234763 Publisher:  IEEE